Sunday, May 29, 2011


1. Did the class fulfill your expectations? Yes? No? Why?
Before taking this class, I thought we would just study forms of media production rather than actually experience them first hand. I was glad that the class covered different aspects of hands on media: introductions to graphic design, video production, and photography. The lab sessions leaned more towards the fun side of media production because we weren't simply a discussion group but were worked on creative projects as well. I liked that I was able to get a better grip on programs like Adobe Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. Though I've dealt with these programs on an extremely basic level, my understanding of the two is clearer! Overall the class went above my expectations and I wouldn't mind taking part two of the course if it didn't disrupt my other registered courses...
2. What were the highlights of the class? What were you excited about?
Not only did I enjoy compiling finished assignments, I enjoyed getting to know people through their own work. In lecture when we reviewed other photography and film projects from other sections, it was nice to see how people think. My excitement however came most from trying to build ideas for the stamp assignment. There i imagined we each had a blank canvas to work with; and that felt liberating.

3. What parts of the class did you find annoying, or frustrating?
The first quiz, which either had too general or too specific questions, was one frustrating thing. Also, I wished we had more in class time to work through our video projects.Trying to find an ideal time for my partner to meet to shoot and edit together was also nerve wrecking.

4. How can the class be improved? What are your ideas and suggestions?
I think that to broaden the time for the video project, we could have made it part of our final instead of making a cumulative exam. The other part of the final could have been to write a response about our inspiration for creating the film, and or write about experiencing the difficulties of pressing one's patience when editing for example; OR write about a film we've seen, how it's been influenced by first generation film makers, and what advantages that modern technology pose to the film industry today. I'm not sure if that was confusing, but I felt that writing responses presents a way for us to show a better understanding of media asides from producing it.
In terms strictly of our lab section, I have no complaints. I am just glad it wasn't all spaced out like a group discussion all the time. I also liked that we had a guest to make our section interesting!

5. What other comments do you have do add?
I appreciated how there were added visuals in lecture to enhance to course, like movie clips and other short animations to make the class more exciting. I also would have liked to go on another trip like the Paley Center for instance.

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